重要日程 Important Dates
2023 化學年會將於 2023 年 2 月 10 日 (五) 2 月 15 日 (三) 後關閉線上報名。
請在以下重要日程之截止日期 (23:59:59 GMT+8) 前至線上報名系統完成報名及繳費。
Online Registration System will close on February 10 February 15, 2023.
Please register online and complete the payment before the deadline (23:59:59 GMT+8) provided below.
2023 年 1 月 31 日 (二) January 31, 2023 | 早鳥優惠報名及繳費截止日。 Early Bird Registration Deadline |
2023 年 1 月 31 日 (二) January 31, 2023 | 投稿者報名及繳費截止日。 Poster and/or Thesis Awards Registration Deadline |
2023 年 2 月 15 日 (三) February 15, 2023 | 線上報名及繳費截止日。 Online Registration Deadline |
2023 年 3 月 10 至 12 日 March 10-12, 2023 | 2023化學年會 2023 Chemistry National Meeting, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
報名項目與價格 Registration Fees
(單位: 新臺幣 NT$ /Unit: New Taiwan Dollar $)
報名 Registration Categories | 2023化學年會 2023 Chemistry National Meeting |
早鳥優惠價 (2023年1月31日前) Online Early Bird (Before Jan. 31, 2023) | 線上報名價 (2023年2月15日前) Online Regular (Before Feb. 15, 2023) | 現場報名價 (2023年3月10日起) On-site From Mar. 10, 2023 |
1 | 中國化學會會員 CSLT Member | NT$1,250 | NT$1,400 | NT$1,600 |
2 | 非會員 Non CSLT Member | NT$2,000 | NT$2,300 | NT$2,500 |
3 | 中國化學會學生會員 CSLT Student Member | NT$850 | NT$1,000 | NT$1,200 |
4 | 學生(非會員) Student (Non CSLT Member) | NT$1,000 | NT$1,300 | NT$1,500 |
5 | 報名與加入中國化學會永久會員 Registration and Join CSLT (Permanent Member) | NT$1,250 + NT$7,500 | NT$1,400 + NT$7,500 | NT$1,600 + NT$7,500 |
6 | 報名與加入中國化學會普通會員/繳交當年會費 Registration and One-Year Membership Bundle (Standard Member) | NT$1,250 + $500 | NT$ 1,400 + NT$500 | NT$1,600 + NT$500 |
7 | 報名與加入中國化學會學生會員/繳交當年會費 Registration and One-Year Membership Bundle (Student Member) | NT$850 + NT$200 | NT$1000 + NT$200 | NT$1,200 + NT$200 |
8 | 國/高中學生 Junior/Senior High School Student | NT$300 | NT$500 | NT$500 |
9 | 晚宴 Banquet | NT$1,200 | NT$1,200 | NT$1,200 |
注意事項 Notice:
- 2023 年 1 月 31 日前未完成繳費者,早鳥優惠價將自動轉以線上報名價收費。
- 2023 年 2 月 15 日前未完成繳費者,將改以現場報名價收費。
- 2023 年 3 月 10 日起,限年會當天現場報名繳費。
- Registering before January, 31 2023 without finishing the payment, the system will automatically charge the regular fee.
- Registering before February 15, 2023 without finishing the payment, the system will automatically charge the on-site fee.
- From March 10, 2023, attendee can only register on-site.
報名權益含有 Entitlements
- 3 月 11 日至 12 日議程教室
- 3 月 11 日至 12 日大會展覽區
- 3 月 11 日至 12 日午餐及休息時間茶點
- 大會手冊
- 線上電子論文集
- 大會議程袋
- 大會禮品乙份
- Attendance at all scientific sessions and industry exhibition at 2023 Chemistry National Meeting
- Lunches, morning and afternoon teas from March 11 to March 12, 2023
- Conference program book
- Electronic conference abstract
- Conference bag and souvenirs
報名流程 How to Register
- 尚未註冊者,請先使用有效 E-mail 進行系統會員註冊,帳號啟用成功後,將於您的註冊信箱內,收到一封來自系統的通知信。請務必確認註冊信各項欄位是否正確,有任何問題,請與 2023 化學年會秘書處聯繫。
- 論文投稿者或研究論文獎投稿者,請使用原已註冊之帳號密碼登入。
- 登入之後,請完成報名資料填寫與提供相關身份之資料驗證。報名時加入中國化學會會員或繳交會員年費可立即享有會員報名費優惠價。
- 選擇※繳費方式:信用卡線上繳費或 ATM 轉帳繳費。
- 報名完成後,您將於您的註冊信箱收到報名完成確認信件及報名收據,亦可自行至報名系統下載收據。
- 如您於報名年會同時加入中國化學會會員,您將收到年會報名費收據及會員入會費收據,請妥善保管您的收據。
- 對年會報名系統有任何問題,請電 (02)2798-8329 分機 35 或 E-mail 至 reg.cnm2023@elitepco.com.tw
- For those who have not registered, please use a valid E-mail address to register at the online system. A confirmation letter will be emailed to you after completing a registration form. It is advisable to check all items listed. Any changes or alterations can be made in writing by email to the 2023 CNM Registration Office.
- For Poster and Thesis Awards applicants, please login with the original registered account and password.
- After logging in, please complete the registration form carefully. Welcome to register as a CSLT Member or pay the annual membership fee to enjoy the discount registration fee.
- Payment Method: Online credit card or ATM transfer.
- A confirmation letter and a receipt will be emailed to you after completing the registration. You may also download the receipt from the registration system.
- For those register and join CSLT Membership, you will also receive a receipt for the membership fee.
- Should there be any inquiries regarding the online registration, please do not hesitate to contact the 2023 CNM Registration Office, 02-2798-8329 ext. 35 / reg.cnm2023@elitepco.com.tw
*Note: An e-mail account can only register once. The email account is important for confirmation and communications. Please be sure to fill in correctly.
※ 繳費方式說明 Payment Method
- 線上報名可接受信用卡繳費或 ATM 繳費。
- 選擇 信用卡 繳費:繳費完成後會收到繳費結果通知電子信,信內會有您的報名編號。
- 選擇 ATM 繳費:報名系統將於線上及 E-mail 方式提供繳費資訊,裡面會提拱報名者專屬的匯款帳號,請留意,每位報名者的匯款帳戶皆為一組獨立帳戶,請勿混用!。
- Payment can be made via online credit card or ATM transfer.
- Payment via online credit card: A notification with your registration number will be emailed to you once the payment is completed.
- Payment via ATM transfer: Payment information with an exclusive remittance account will be provided and emailed to you. Each applicant is given an exclusive remittance account. Therefore, do not use other’s account.
*Please fill in the correct name of the person, the full name and VAT number of the company, school and/or affiliated unit.
退費政策 Cancellation and Refund Policy
- 欲取消報名者,請您先下載退費申請表並務必於 2023 年 2 月 15 日 (三) 前,將申請表 e-mail 至大會秘書處 (reg.cnm2023@elitepco.com.tw) 申請辦理取消及退費。
- 一旦取消報名及完成退費申請,大會將統一於會議結束後,辦理退費作業,退還報名費用,退費手續費由申請者自行吸收。除不可抗力之因素外,逾期申請者,恕不予以退費。
- 退款方式請依原始付款方式填寫(如繳費時為信用卡刷卡,即透過信用卡進行退刷,如繳費時為銀行匯款方式,請提供原本銀行帳戶辦理退費匯入)。
- Cancellation and refund must be sent in writing with the application form to the 2023 CNM Registration Office before February 15, 2023.
- All refund will be processed after the conference is concluded. Except for force majeure factors, late applications will not be refunded.
- Refund method would be same as payment method (If the payment is made via credit card, the credit card will be refunded; if the payment is made via ATM Transfer, the applicant will be asked to provide a bank account.)
2023 化學年會秘書處聯絡資訊 / 2023 CNM Registration Office
聯絡窗口 / Contact Person:周宜熹小姐 / Ms. Alena Chou
聯絡電話 / Tel:+886 -2-2798 -8329 Ext 35
傳真號碼 / Fax:+886 -2-2798 -6225
電子郵件 / Email:reg.cnm2023@elitepco.com.tw