國立高雄大學 National University of Kaohsiung
高雄市楠梓區高雄大學路 700 號 (報到台位置 : 圖書資訊大樓書香路大門前)
- 國道1號
大社交流道下→楠陽路→楠陽路橋(往右昌、後勁、加工區)→加昌路右轉至後昌新路,藍昌路左轉至大學南路,即可抵達本校。車程約 35 分鐘。 - 國道3號
國道 10 號終點左營端右轉至翠華路,左楠路左轉至後昌路,藍昌路左轉至大學南路,即可抵達本校。車程約 40 分鐘。 - 停車資訊
Driving Directions
700, Kaohsiung University Rd., Nanzih District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
(Registration: Library and Information Building)
於高雄、橋頭或新左營火車站下車,皆可轉搭高雄捷運紅線(往南岡山)至 R19 楠梓加工區站(請不要搭乘紅56),從1 號出口出站再轉搭紅56A號公車(請不要搭乘紅56B)至「高雄大學(大學南路)站」下車(前一站:高大管理學院) (車程約15分鐘),或搭免費接駁車抵達校區,再步行3-5分鐘即可到達會場。接駁車時刻表
Get off at Kaohsiung, Qiaotou or Xinzuoying train station and transfer to Red Line (to Gangshan South) to R19 Nanzih Export Processing Zone (Please do not take R56). Go out Exit 1, then transfer to the bus No. R56A (Please do not take R56B) and get off at "高雄大學(大學南路)站Kaohsiung University (Daxue South Road) Station" (Previous Stop:高大管理學院College of Management, NUK) (about 15 minutes by driving), or take the free shuttle bus to the campus, then walk for 3-5 minutes to the conference venue. Shuttle Bus Schedule
高鐵左營站下車,轉搭高雄捷運紅線(往南岡山)至 R19 楠梓加工區站(請不要搭乘紅56),從1 號出口出站再轉搭紅56A號公車(請不要搭乘紅56B)至「高雄大學(大學南路)站」下車(前一站:高大管理學院) (車程約15分鐘),或搭免費接駁車抵達校區,再步行3-5分鐘即可到達會場。接駁車時刻表
High Speed Rail
Get off at Zuoying Station of High Speed Rail and transfer to Red Line (to Gangshan South) to R19 Nanzih Export Processing Zone (Please do not take R56). Go out Exit 1, then transfer to the bus No. R56A (Please do not take R56B) and get off at "高雄大學(大學南路)站Kaohsiung University (Daxue South Road) Station" (Previous Stop:高大管理學院College of Management, NUK) (about 15 minutes by driving), or take the free shuttle bus to the campus, then walk for 3-5 minutes to the conference venue. Shuttle Bus Schedule
搭高雄捷運紅線(往南岡山)至 R19 楠梓加工區站,從1 號出口出站再轉搭紅56A號公車(請不要搭乘紅56B)至「高雄大學(大學南路)站」(前一站:高大管理學院)下車)(車程約15分鐘),或搭免費接駁車抵達校區,再步行3-5分鐘即可到達會場。接駁車時刻表
Take Kaohsiung MRT Red Line (to Gangshan South) to R19 Nanzih Export Processing Zone. Go out Exit 1, then transfer to the bus No. R56A (Please do not take R56B) and get off at "高雄大學(大學南路)站Kaohsiung University (Daxue South Road) Station" (Previous Stop:高大管理學院College of Management, NUK) (about 15 minutes by driving), or take the free shuttle bus to the campus, then walk for 5 minutes to the conference venue. Shuttle Bus Schedule
詳細資訊可參考高雄市公車客運 6、28、29、205、218、219、245、301 號公車路線及時間表。(請不要搭乘紅56、紅56B) (詳細接駁車資訊請參閱Attendee Resources。
Bus Information
Please click Attendee Resources.
Kaohsiung City Real-Time Arrival Information System: https://ibus.tbkc.gov.tw/ibus/ (Please do not take R56, R56B)

Motorcycles and scooters (including heavy motorcycles) are prohibited on campus.
Bicycles are prohibited on Shuxiang Road, and the station “高雄大學理學院南側” in front of the College of Science is closed. Please find YouBike Station at: https://www.youbike.com.tw/region/kcg/stations/
台灣大車隊 55688
夏威夷 07-555-5555
其他更多計程車車行請見 https://www.tbkc.gov.tw/Service/PublicTransport/Taxis?ID=2f7cd2a9-06fc-44f6-b081-1b2c5f40a1a2
Taxi Calling Line
Taiwan Taxi Co., LTD. TEL: 55688